Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Seun osewa just opened pandora's box

Nairaland's layout, features and all the numerous tabs had been non-changing since God knows when. There were obvious problem with the basic forum model nairaland uses, which stifles direct discussions between pals, dosen't encourage discussions of topics/threads beyound the normal initial comments in most cases and doesen't do a whole lot of other things that prevents an engaging experience. This is evident in the fact that there are still huge numbers of people that'll rather stay as guests rather than register and participate in the community.
Recently, nairaland has been sporting new features/tabs and one which is particularly commendable is the F/S button. Oh common it's been long overdue, in community of over a million people, there should be an efficient way to link to one another. True there's been a follow button, but the problem was that you couldn't see who followed you except you have to go search people's profile and start checking who they were following. This poses a huge privacy problem knowing that someone could be stalking you all over the place, checking every comment you make, etc without YOU BEING AWARE OF IT.

With new features being continually added to nairaland, it'll really help to improve nairaland's interaction model which means more people will make more friends and lesser number of people will be will to deactivate their accounts.

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